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You can make use of this driver to help you with the connection 1: Some Broadcom BCM2045/BCM2046 adapters (like mine) tend to drop the link after a few minutes when using the standard generic Apple bluetooth driver.. 4 MB Database Update: Available Using DriverDoc: Optional Offer for DriverDoc by Solvusoft|||| This page contains information about installing the latest Billionton Bluetooth BCM2045 driver downloads using the.. Billionton Bluetooth BCM2045 drivers are tiny programs that enable your Bluetooth hardware to communicate with your operating system software.. Manufacturer: Billionton Hardware Type: Bluetooth Model: Bluetooth Series: BCM2045 Compatibility: Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8, 10 Downloads: 71,134,784 Download Size: 3.. Bcm2045a driver is designed for bluetooth BCM2045A BCM2045A USB Bluetooth adapter is a chinese-made product, which works very well under windows systems.. Maintaining updated Billionton Bluetooth BCM2045 software prevents crashes and maximizes hardware and system performance. 518b7cbc7d